Danialnews Correction Policy
At Danialnews, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about tech, automobiles, entertainment, and other many news in India. However, we understand that errors may occasionally occur. This policy outlines how we handle corrections on our website:
Reporting Errors:
We encourage our readers to report any factual errors they find on our website. You can report errors by emailing us at danialnews01@gmail.com. Please include the following information in your email:
- The specific URL of the webpage containing the error.
- A clear description of the error, including the incorrect information and the correct information (if known).
- Any screenshots or additional information that may help us identify the error.
Review and Correction Process:
Upon receiving an error report, we will promptly review the information and investigate the issue. If we determine that an error exists, we will take the following steps:
- Correct the error on the webpage as soon as possible.
- Depending on the severity of the error, we may also:
- Add a correction notice at the bottom of the webpage, clearly stating the error and the correction made.
- In rare cases of significant errors, we may republish the content with a note explaining the correction.
Transparency and Timeliness:
We are committed to transparency and will strive to correct errors in a timely manner. We will not edit or delete content to hide errors; instead, we will clearly acknowledge and rectify them.